Sleeping Beauty turns out there in real life. Nicole Delian (17), teenagers from the city of North Fayette, Philadelphia, USA, suffers from a condition called Kleine-Levin Syndrome or Sleeping Beauty Syndrome.
As a sufferer of this syndrome, Nicole can sleep between 18 to 19 hours a day so I wonder if Nicole was tired sleep. Conditions Nicole so badly, so she could spend the holidays with just a bed. Eventually he woke up one day in January and opened Christmas presents with family.
Kleine-Levin syndrome is very rare. So far there were only 1,000 people in the world who have it.
When the syndrome is attacked, the patient will feel very tired and could not sleep day and night. They usually waking only to eat or do other intent.
People with this syndrome often also feel focused and they are very sensitive to sound or light.
So far have not found a way to cure this syndrome, but the family of Nicole uses a combination treatment of epilepsy and narcolepsi to slightly reduce the "suffering" of their daughter.
Sources: Huffington Post
Editor: DailyWeeks
The girl who slept 19 hours a day
Written By on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 | 12:00 AM
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