Research In Motion (RIM) came up with the news service BBMMoney. It is touted as a money transfer service between BlackBerry users.
Reportedly, BBMMoney will choose Indonesia as the first country to enjoy this service.
As quoted from the BBC, BBMMoney will be released in 2013 in Indonesia, along with the launch of the BlackBerry OS 10.
"Indonesia is an important market for RIM," said Hastings Singh, RIM's Managing Director South Asia.
RIM officials added, BBMMoney a peer to peer transfer service that users can use BlackBerry handsets to send money to other BlackBerry users.
No further explained how this service scheme later. But that, according to Hastings, Indonesian people love to spend time communicating with friends and family through applications such as BBM.
Hm, sounds interesting...
Source: DetikNet
Editor: DailyWeeks
BBM Money, Transfer Money from BlackBerry
Written By on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 | 9:11 AM
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