One more story of human honesty that often can not be trusted. This time it happened in Vienna, Austria, and the person was a bus driver.
The driver's name was WolfgangR (51). On Wednesday (11/05/2012), Wolfgang recently completed work driving a bus in the capital of Austria's.
As he was checking the bus, he found a bag lying on the seat right behind the driver's seat. Wolfgang astonishment when he opened the bag containing the money 309,000 euros.
"At first I thought it contained drugs or groceries," says Wolfgang told the daily Krone.
Without thinking, Wolfgang then took the bag containing the money to the police station. According to documents in the bag, police found a bag that turned out to be the owner of a retiree who just withdrew all his life savings from the bank.
So, what about us? Can we be like Wolfgang?
Source: Kompas, AFP
Editor: DailyWeeks
Bus Driver Restore Money Bags Containing 309 thousand euro
Written By on Thursday, December 6, 2012 | 11:47 PM
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